Bonjour et bienvenue!
Building Structures in French - Structure 9

Bonjour et bienvenue 😊🇫🇷
Here we have the ninth structure in the Building Structures in French series. By this point, we've looked at how to use various structures to talk about the past and present tenses, we can talk about what would happen and we've most recently learnt how to give orders and commands in French.
Dans ce neuvième cours, on va pratiquer un peu l'art de la divination. In this ninth course, we're going to practise a bit of the art of divination. We're going to be looking to the future and using the future tense.
The future tense is a tense that is very similar in its formation to the conditional. Whereas in English, we can simply use the word will in front of a verb to talk about the future, in French, we have to add something to the end of the verb instead.
3-course bundle
Course contents
Master the future tense and speak fluently about what’s ahead!
Enroll in Structure 9 and take your communication skills to the next level!
Building Structures in French - Structure 9
This course introduces the future tense, allowing you to talk confidently about what will happen.
Whether you’re making plans, discussing dreams, or sharing predictions, this course will equip you with the tools to sound fluent and forward-thinking in French.