Why forgetting is part of learning

🎧 Article length: about 1 minute

Have you ever forgotten something you just learned in a new language and felt frustrated? You’re not alone! In fact, forgetting is a normal and essential part of learning—and the key to success is recapping.

Why do we forget?

When you first learn something, it sits in your short-term memory. But if you don’t review and use it, your brain decides it’s not important and lets it fade. This is called the Forgetting Curve, a concept developed by psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus in the 19th century.

How fast do we forget?

🕒 After 20 minutes, you might forget 40% of what you just learned.
📉 After 1 day, you might forget 50-60%.
After a week, you might only remember 10-20%.

That’s a lot of lost information! But here’s the good news: you can fight the Forgetting Curve by reviewing things at the right time.

How to beat the Forgetting Curve

The best way to stop forgetting is through something called spaced repetition—reviewing what you’ve learned at spaced-out intervals. Every time you recap, your brain strengthens its memory of the information, making it last longer.

🔄 Each review resets the Forgetting Curve, helping you remember more for longer!

The Rolling Recap Method: How to remember more

Instead of just reviewing randomly, try this rolling recap method:

1️⃣ Learn A
2️⃣ Add B, then recap A → ABA
3️⃣ Introduce C, recap B and A → ABACBAC
4️⃣ Keep layering new concepts while reviewing old ones → ABACBACDBCADECBADE

Each time you introduce something new, recap an old one. This way, you reach those seven repetitions quicker, making it easier to remember!

Don’t feel bad about recapping

Some learners think recapping means they’ve failed—but this is completely wrong. If you avoid reviewing something because you think you should already know it, you’ll actually make it harder to remember.

Even after you’ve reviewed something four or five times, you’ll still make mistakes—and that’s okay! Learning isn’t about getting it perfect instantly; it’s about building memory over time.

So don’t feel bad about forgetting—just keep recapping.

💡 In the words of Dory… just keep swimming. 🐟🌊

Final thoughts

Forgetting is normal, and it happens to everyone.
✔ Spaced repetition helps fight the Forgetting Curve.

The Rolling Recap Method is an easy way to keep things fresh.
Mistakes don’t mean failure—they mean learning is happening!

So next time you forget something, don’t panic—just recap!
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