Don’t be bullied into English

🎧 Article length: about 1 minute

Don’t let people bully you into speaking English when you’re trying to communicate in their language.

There will be times when the person you’re speaking to will switch to English—sometimes to help you, but more often because it’s easier for them. But if you want to improve, don’t give in.

Stay in your target language

It’s tempting to switch when someone nudges you toward English, but if you always cave, your language skills won’t grow. Instead, hold your ground. Keep responding in French, Spanish, German, or whichever language you’re learning, no matter how much they persist in English.

Yes, it might feel awkward at first, but who cares? You’ve spent too much time and effort learning this language to be coerced into English just for someone else’s convenience.

Make it awkward for them

The trick? Outlast them. If you keep going in your target language, eventually, they’ll be the one who feels awkward responding in English.

It’s all about persistence. Keep pushing forward, and soon, you’ll find people engaging with you in the language you’re working so hard to master.

So next time someone switches to English, just smile and keep going in their language—because that’s how you truly learn.

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